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"It will be the Purpose of ANEBA Inc. to establish, support, and collaborate with other faith and community based and governmental entities, in initiatives that will lead to the “Spiritual, Mental, & Physical” transformation, restoration, and revitalization of the communities, and the residents of those communities in  greater Cleveland, and surrounding communities and beyond. All of which will serve to address the “holistic” development of an individual, thereby resulting in the improvement of the “quality of life not only for an individual, but also for the whole community.”  


Howard Hudson, is not only an ANEBA Agent, but he also one of the praise dancers at True Vine Baptist Church. He is also very active in many of the presentations (Plays) produced by the Arts Ministry.




Edward McGhee, Chairman

Judi Crytzer

Marcus Farley

Tonia Pugh

Valorie Peck

Marc Ricker:

Shelley Rutledge

Michael Shockley


There is strong evidence that even in the midst of the highest level of achievement in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics—the socio/economical benefits of such achievement eludes the lives of far too many people who struggle every day of their lives to keep from being pushed through the cracks of life.  For them, the privilege to “Pursue Happiness,” has become a desperate “Pursuit To Survive.”  Sadly, many become so overwhelmed by the issues of life, they give up on their dream, their desire, and eventually, loose all hope of ever experiencing a positive change in their lives.  Such thinking is viewed by ANEBA as being ground zero in our effort to show that they can experience positive change in their lives by simply changing the way they think that change will come. “For as a man thinks, so is he…. Proverb 23:7

We believe that when a person really does “Repent”, aka “change the way they think about themselves, and others around them,” TRANSFORMATION, and REVITALIZATION will take place in the environment they share-- the “Neighbor” will return to “The Hood,” and the “Neighborhood,” will evolve into “A Community,’ a place where the seeds of “Heritage” can be sown and nurtured. 

ANEBA is excited, and motivated by the call to “Take Back Our Streets,” and believe that “Cleaning Up Our Streets,” is a simplistic doable activity, one  that would send a powerful message that could mobilize an army of volunteers who will also  believe it is an appropriate starting point toward accomplishing that goal, and will become engaged in making it a reality.

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